More Playfulness at The Neotango Weekend

More Playfulness at The Neotango Weekend

To be more PLAYFUL than ever we will have two special guests: The Argentine neotango teacher based in Berlin Gabriela Pereira and the Spring flowers!

4-6 April at De Uelenspieghel in Uffelte

Next Theme: More Playfulness in Neotango

After the fantastic Neotango Weekend about Playfulness we will play a little bit more. We will learn new possibilities and get deeper in the same subject because it was so inspiring and fun!

A very important aspect of neotango and tango in general is the possibility of playing. It is being able to make movements, lead or steps that are original, surprising, fun from a visual and/or musical point of view. These also generate connection, motivation and positive emotions between the dance couple. In neotango this possibility is deeply rooted since it is like a playground where we can have fun and experiment. Of course it is important to do these movements with quality, connection, musicality, taking care of the dance line and the space with the other dancers on the dance floor. During the weekend Ezequiel & Gabriela will teach different possibilities of how to play more with neotango in an elegant and musical way.

At the Neotango Weekend you have every day workshops with Ezequiel & Gabriela, every evening neo milongas with the international DJ Eze and guests, every afternoon neotango practicas, delicious food and you also have free time to walk in the forest or to go to the lake.

So, come and join us at this very special edition!

The teachers:
At this edition we will have the honer to welcome the Argentine neotango teacher Gabriela Pereira! She is based in Berlin where she regular teaches, perform and dj neo and traditional tango.
Gabriela & Ezequiel are neotango pioneers.
In 2008 they started performing and teaching together at some the first alternative tango festival in Europe. Until 2010 (when Gabriela moved to Germany) they were exploring new possibilities with tango and creating their own styles that is the base of what they further developed to teach now neotango. After so many years they will finally teach together again!
Here you can watch a video of 2009 where they performed together with live music of Juntacadavere at the festival “Mi Amberes Querido” in Antwerpen, Belgium:

The weekend:

 3 days to get a deeper knowledge of Neotango and to improve your skills. At the same time to have a mini holiday by dancing and having fun!

– Workshops
– Neolongas
– Neo Practicas
– Watch a Tango Film
– Safe environment
– Enjoy the Nature and a nice group of people
– Relax atmosphere
– Beautiful location: De Uelenspieghel
– Good food and nice sleeping rooms
– Possibility to take private classes

If you are a Neotango fan, this is an evening that you don’t want to miss!


Price (all incl) 280 euro
More information

At De Uelenspieghel  
Winkelsteeg 5, 7975 PV Uffelte, Nederland
Tel: +31 521-351331


More information:

High Quality & Elegance ✨ – Neotango Weekend in the Nature – 13-15 Sept. 2024

High Quality & Elegance ✨ – Neotango Weekend in the Nature – 13-15 Sept. 2024

In september we will have another wonderful Neotango Weekend in the nature of Uffelte. This time with my great partner Marleen Michels and my favorite theme full of elegance and dance quality! 🤩🌞


Next theme: High Quality & Elegant Neotango Moves

Would you like to improve the quality of your dance movements? Like having a good posture and using your feet in a beautiful way? Would you like to improve your balance to have more stability and enjoyment? Would you like to have a very refined walking quality? When you improve all of this, you will certainly be much more elegant when you dance tango & neotango! Your dance will not only look exquisite, it will definitely feel very good for you and your partner. At the same time your dance technique will easily boost. And of course, in this weekend you will also learn gorgeous neotango moves and combinations!

🔹 Let’s enjoy dancing and being in the nature at the most popular Neotango Weekend in The Netherlands.🌞🌷

At the Neotango Weekend you have every day workshops with Ezequiel and Lydia, every evening neo milongas with the international DJ Eze, every afternoon neotango practicas, delicious food and you also have free time to walk in the forest or to go to the lake.

So, come and join us at this very special edition 💥  

🔹 3 days to get a deeper knowledge of Neotango and to improve your skills. At the same time to have a mini holiday by dancing and having fun! 

Price (all incl) 280 euro

More information

At De Uelenspieghel  
Winkelsteeg 5, 7975 PV Uffelte, Nederland
Tel: +31 521-351331


Facebook event 

Traditional tango workshop and DJ at Mi Lunes by Ezequiel Sanucci, Mo. 6 Nov 2023

Traditional tango workshop and DJ at Mi Lunes by Ezequiel Sanucci, Mo. 6 Nov 2023

Monday 6th of November at 19.30 hrs
At Milonga Mi Lunes: Teatro Munganga, Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tango workshop: Balance + Posture + Footwork = Tango Elegance
By Ezequiel Sanucci

Would you like to improve your posture in tango and use your feet in a beautiful way? Would you like to improve your balance to have more stability and enjoyment? When you improve all of this, you will certainly be much more elegant when you dance tango! Your dance will not only look more beautiful, it will definitely feel very good for you and your partner, and your dance technique will easily boost. 

After the workshop we will have a traditional milonga with DJ Eze!

Mi Lunes on FB

The Neotango Weekend in the Nature  8-10 December 2023 Next theme: Fancy Neotango Moves

The Neotango Weekend in the Nature 8-10 December 2023 Next theme: Fancy Neotango Moves

You will learn special movements and combinations which you normally don’t see in traditional milongas. These are fancy Neotango movements that are very modern, fun and creative and will enrich your dance with alternative music.

For the leaders we will have elements such as Soltadas, Boleos, Ganchos, Colgadas, Volcadas or Sacadas combined in a special way with unusual directions and surprising playful possibilities.

Innovative leg movements for the followers and how to lead them in subtlety and connection.
We can make bigger movements in Neotango with more flow and even more into the ground. So our legs can fly in different directions which brings new possibilities to play with Neotango embellishments.

All combinations are teaching you to connect with each other and play with possibilities of your own creativity.

Come and learn these neotango moves with us!

3 days to get a deeper knowledge of Neotango and to improve your skills. At the same time to have a mini holiday by dancing and having fun! 🤣
✅ Workshops
✅ Neolongas
✅ Neo Practicas
✅ Safe environment
✅ Enjoy the Nature and a nice group of people
✅ Relax atmosphere
✅ Beautiful location: De Uelenspieghel
✅ Good food and nice sleeping rooms
✅ Possibility to take private classes💥 If you are a Neotango fan, this is an evening that you don’t want to miss!

Price (all incl) 280 euro
More information

At De Uelenspieghel  
Winkelsteeg 5, 7975 PV Uffelte, Nederland
Tel: +31 521-351331

Contact Tango Workshop and free dance DJ by Ezequiel Sanucci, At Dansje Vrij, Sa. 21 Oct 2023

Contact Tango Workshop and free dance DJ by Ezequiel Sanucci, At Dansje Vrij, Sa. 21 Oct 2023


Contact tango is a dance fusion in which we are inspired by principles of Contact Improvisation and Argentine Tango. We let ourselves be moved by the rhythms, melodies and energy of the tango with passion and sensitivity. By coming into contact with yourself and the people around you, playful encounters arise. We explore our creativity and open ourselves to new impulses that can enrich our dance. You don’t need any prior knowledge. A desire to exercise is enough. We will explore the rest together. Let us take you on a journey of discovery to even more dancing pleasure.

Ezequiel Sanucci is a dancer, performer, choreographer and tango teacher and organizes wonderful dance weeks and weekends with tango. For more information see:

And the evening continues by DJ Ezequiel:
Ezequiel plays a mix of wonderful free dance music and neotango.

More information and inscriptions 

Date: Oct 21, 2023
Time: 7:30 PM – 11:30 PM
Cost: €16 – €18.50
Book here:
Address: Sportcentrum De Lunet, Amersfoortsestraatweg 16, 1411 HD Naarden
DJ Eze at the Tango Biathlon Frankenthal (Germany)

DJ Eze at the Tango Biathlon Frankenthal (Germany)

From the 29/09-01/10 Ezequiel will be one of the neotango DJ of the great line of the Tango Biathlon Mannheim/Frankenthal (Germany)

This is the first marathon in the world that has two rooms, one for traditional tango and another one for neotango. It always has some of the best DJ’s in Europe and attract many different type of dancers. So, great music, good dancers and a lovely atmosfere is garantie. This is a high recomended tango event you shouldn’t miss.

It’s almost sold out! Check here for tickets and information: