Contact Tango in Italy and Germany with Ezequiel Sanucci
Ezequiel Sanucci and Lydia Müller will be soon teaching Contact Tango and Ezequiel will be Dj’ing at the next events:
26/05 – 02/06 – CONTANGO IN TUSCANY (IT) | MONTEROSI | with Ezequiel and Lo
5-7/07 – CONTANGO FESTIVAL FREIBURG (D) | with Ezequiel Sanucci & Lydia Müller and Cacu Lucero
4-6/10 Contact Tango Intensive weekend – Utrecht (NL) | with Lydia Müller

with Ezequiel and Lo
Contact improvisation makes us soft and elastic every day. Every morning from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. we are in contact with our own body and the environment using the principles of CI. Afterwards we enjoy the Italian food prepared by the house cook, take a siesta to integrate, walks and excursions in the area are planned.
5.00 to 7.00 p.m. is the time to absorb the principles of tango. From the two dance styles we form the independent dance style Contango. Every day we immerse ourselves more with all our senses in this combination of styles that have existed for a long time and dance authentically into contango.
In any weather it is beautiful in Monterosi. There is the big outdoor dance floor and the wooden house.
In the evening it is also possible to continue dancing or making music indoors!
5 days plus 2 arrival/departure days 35.- per night in a tent/camper and 45.- in the house. Children/adolescents pay by arrangement. All ages are welcome here!
630.-/720.- with everything! Food and 2 teachers. Contact Improvisation and Tango!
Enjoy your time with us in Tuscany!
Info and registration:

Ezequiel & Lydia will be this year the main teachers and performers at the biggest, most prestigious and more renowned festival in the world about the fusion of Contact Improvisation & Argentinian Tango. As well the main DJ of this festival will be DJ Eze!
On the 4th of July we will enjoy dancing the live music of Tangorra Orquesta Típica (Arg) and on the 5th of July we will celebrate Ezequiel’s Brithday!!! So, don’t miss this great event 

All dancers are invited here to dance together with time and space in one place! Contact Improvisation and Tango will meet here and merge into one dance style.
You are invited to be there in July. This is about discovering and developing both dance styles in combination as an individual dancer.
Experienced teachers are invited to accompany different ways of connecting dance styles with intensive lessons and workshops.
Let yourself be surprised and enjoy the NEW.
Contango is danced barefoot. It can be danced alone, in pairs, as a trio. Come as you Are. Everything is wonderful and possible! As an experienced and a beginner, there is always a lot to discover.
There will be live music and plenty of room to dance. Good food and sleeping facilities on site (see organization).
You are very welcome to be part of it!
Book your place at the festival right here.
Contact Tango Intensive weekend with Lydia Müller
Friday evening 4 october 18-21.00 workshop & milonga jam
Saturday 5 october workshop 10.30-13u/14.30- 17u, 17.30-19.30 milonga jam
Sunday 6 october 10.30-13.00 workshop and final milonga jam
Fee & Registration
€180-for the weekend or €160- early bird before 1 July 2024
To register, please send an email to
For more information Call +31651074437 or visit
Contact Tango is an exploration of the encounter between two creative dance forms: Contact Improvisation and Tango. By using principles of this two styles, we find new ways of dancing in connection with different partners with freedom, joy and creativity. Let yourself being moved by the rhythms, melodies and energies of tango and get inspired by the free flow of contact improvisation. Leading and following to surrender the dance in connection.
No previous experience and fixed partner necessary. Lydia will guide you through a step by step improvisation.
Lydia Müller Bio:
Lydia Müller is a professional dancer, teacher, and choreographer since 2002. She worked in various countries including Holland, Germany, Portugal, Latin America, Africa, and Singapore. She received her diploma of dance in education at Codarts, Dance Academy Rotterdam and has been working since then in several professional dance companies, Community Art projects and interactive streettheater performances. She has been performing together with Ezequiel Sanucci with their own Contemporary Tango company “Tango Now”. Lydia is choreographing her own children dance theater performances with “Gekko Tanztheater” and streettheater performances “Tango Abrazo”.
Beside her expertise in Contact Tango, Neotango and Somatic Intimacy she also facilitates Love temples and different dance retreats in nature as Touch & Play Portugal.
She offers and guides the SOMA Intimacy / Embodied Sexuality Training in Portugal. Lydia is working with conscious touch and gives private somatic sessions as well.
You can also book a private (Neo-) tango class with Lydia. Her teaching approach involves guiding a group on a somatic journey of creativity, playfulness, depth, and joy.
Lydia is passionate about bringing people into a deeper connection within themselves.
Lydia Creative World: